Amazing world

joi, 2 iunie 2016

Romantic Destination Verona-Italy

Din punct de vedere al atractiilor turistice sta mai bine chiar si ca Milano . Verona este asociata cu Romeo si Julieta pentru ca aici a avut loc piesa lui Shakespeare. Italieni "au gasit" casa, balconul, mormantul si le-au transformat in locuri bune de vizitat.
  1. Casa Julietei cu balconul unde Julieta l-a ascultat pe Romeo declarandu-si dragostea. In Casa Julietei pot fi vazute patul ei, costume si un calculator de unde poti trimite mesaje de dragoste. In curtea casei se afla statuia in bronz a Julietei. Se spune ca daca ii atingi sanul drept iti aduce noroc.    

  2.   Arena, una dintre cele mai bine conservate din Italia, este un amfiteatru roman, faimos pentru spectacolele si concertele de opera, dar si alte genuri de muzica pe care le gazduieste. Mult mai impresionanta in interior decat Colosseumul din Roma, avea o capacitate de 30.000 de spectatori, fiind al treilea ca marime din Italia.
  3. Biserica San Zeno (sau San Zeno Maggiore) este faimoasa prin arhitectura, dar si datorita faptului ca aici s-au casatorit Romeo si Julieta. Gazduieste osemintele patronului spiritual al Veronei, San Zeno.
  4.  Anastasia, construita in stil gotic, este cea mai mare biserica si una dintre cele mai vechi din Verona. Cele doua vase cu aghiazma de la intrarea in biserica sunt sprijinite pe spatele a doi cocosati, unul dintre ei atribuit fiului lui Paolo Veronese, Gabriele Caliari.
  5. Torre dei Lamberti este un turn din care ai o vedere panoramica a orasului. A fost construit pentru a putea fi supravegheate imprejurimile si a anunta eventuale dezastre precum incendiile sau atacurile venetienilor. Datand din sec. XII, turnul a fost reparat dupa ce in sec. XIV a fost lovit de un fulger, iar in sec. XVIII i-a fost adaugat ceasul din varf. Este cel mai inalt turn din Verona, cu 84 de metri.
  6. Turnul se afla in Piazza delle Erbe, pe marginea careia sunt cafenele si terase unde poti sa mananci lasagna sau alte specialitati italiene, iar in centru sunt o multime de tarabe cu suveniruri, fructe sau legume, care inconjoara Fontana di Madonna Verona, cea mai veche si mai cunoscuta fantana din Verona.
  7. Teatrul Roman si Muzeul Arheologic. La fel ca Arena, Teatrul Roman gazduieste si astazi concerte. La Muzeul Arheologic pot fi văzute artefacte romane descoperite în jurul Veronei (mozaicuri, monede, sculpturi).
  8. Castelvecchio, construit in sec.XIV, cu un sistem de fortificatii si turnuri bine conservate, legat printr-un pod de oras care trece peste raul Adige si Museo di Castelvecchio, ce contine 29 de camere cu opere de arta (sculpturi, fresce, picturi, arme) din antichitate pana la anul 700 d.Cr. Castelul, construit de familia Scala, era menit sa apere familia conducatoare de eventuale revolte si de atacurile venetiene. In sec. XX o parte a castelului, sub indrumarea lui Carlo Scarpa, a fost amenajata in muzeu, care gazduieste opere de arta apartinand lui Bellini, Tiepolo sau Veronese, expozitii temporare.

miercuri, 1 iunie 2016

Bani pe net!

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  2. Google+ - este si el destul de eficient pentru a face bani pe net!
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  4. Instagram - face si el o treaba destul de importanta in castigarea de bani pe net!
In primul rand si cel mai important iti trebuie un cont pe Blog
unde sa faci articole cat mai eficiente si cat mai importante sa iti aduca un numar cat mai mare de vizitatori care la randul lor iti vor aduce intr-un final bani pe net!
Nu in ultimul rand dar cel mai important este faptul ca iti trebuie un cont Adsense pentru ca vizitatori sa iti poata aduca bani pe net.
Daca vrei sa castigi banii rapid nu e foarte usor. Exista 2 tipuri de vizitatori:
  • organic - cei ce iti viziteaza pagina dupa retelele de socializare apasand click din propria initiativa;
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Nu e un lucru foarte simplu sa te apuci de  Blog in situatia in care nu stai bine cu rabdarea sau sa dispui de niste bani la inceput pentru a atrage cat mai multi vizitatori ai paginii.
In momentul in care vrei sa te implici intr-o astfel de "operatiune" gandestete de 2 ori, puneti un set de intrebari:
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Daca raspunsurile la aceste intrebari sunt pozitive atunci esti pregatit sa incepi utilizarea Blogului pentru a face bani pe net. Iti doresc succes si la cat mai multi vizitatori ai profilului de blog.


Hawaii is the 50th and most recent state of the United States of America, receiving statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state not located in the Americas. The state does not observe daylight saving time.

The state encompasses nearly the entire volcanic Hawaiian archipelago, which comprises hundreds of islands spread over 1,500 miles (2,400 km). At the southeastern end of the archipelago, the eight main islands are—in order from northwest to southeast: Niʻihau, Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi, Kahoʻolawe, Maui and the Island of Hawaiʻi. The last is the largest island in the group; it is often called the "Big Island" or "Hawaiʻi Island" to avoid confusion with the state or archipelago. The archipelago is physiographically and ethnologically part of the Polynesian subregion of Oceania.

Hawaii's diverse natural scenery, warm tropical climate, abundance of public beaches, oceanic surroundings, and active volcanoes make it a popular destination for tourists, surfers, biologists, and volcanologists. Because of its central location in the Pacific and 19th-century labor migration, Hawaii's culture is strongly influenced by North American and Asian cultures, in addition to its indigenous Hawaiian culture. Hawaii has over a million permanent residents, along with many visitors and U.S. military personnel. Its capital is Honolulu on the island of Oʻahu.
Hawaii is the 8th-smallest and the 11th-least populous, but the 13th-most densely populated of the fifty U.S. states. It is the only state with an Asian plurality. The state's coastline is about 750 miles (1,210 km) long, the fourth longest in the U.S. after the coastlines of Alaska, Florida and California.

The state of Hawaii derives its name from the name of its largest island, Hawaiʻi. A common Hawaiian explanation of the name of Hawaiʻi is that was named for Hawaiʻiloa, a legendary figure from Hawaiian myth. He is said to have discovered the islands when they were first settled.
The Hawaiian language word Hawaiʻi is very similar to Proto-Polynesian *Sawaiki, with the reconstructed meaning "homeland". Cognates of Hawaiʻi are found in other Polynesian languages, including Māori (Hawaiki), Rarotongan (ʻAvaiki) and Samoan (Savaiʻi) . According to linguists Pukui and Elbert, "[e]lsewhere in Polynesia, Hawaiʻi or a cognate is the name of the underworld or of the ancestral home, but in Hawaii, the name has no meaning".
The Hawaiian islands were formed by volcanic activity initiated at an undersea magma source called the Hawaii hotspot. The process is continuing to build islands; the tectonic plate beneath much of the Pacific Ocean continually moves northwest and the hot spot remains stationary, slowly creating new volcanoes. Because of the hotspot's location, all currently active land volcanoes are located on the southern half of Hawaii Island. The newest volcano, Lōʻihi Seamount, is located south of the coast of Hawaii Island.
The last volcanic eruption outside Hawaii Island occurred at Haleakalā on Maui before the late 18th century, though it could have been hundreds of years earlier. In 1790, Kīlauea exploded; it was the deadliest eruption known to have occurred in the modern era in what is now the United States. Up to 5,405 warriors and their families marching on Kīlauea were killed by the eruption. Volcanic activity and subsequent erosion have created impressive geological features. Hawaii Island has the third-highest point among the world's islands.
On the flanks of the volcanoes, slope instability has generated damaging earthquakes and related tsunamis, particularly in 1868 and 1975. Steep cliffs have been created by catastrophic debris avalanches on the submerged flanks of ocean island volcanoes.

After the arrival of Europeans and Americans, the population of Hawaii fell dramatically until an influx of primarily Asian settlers arrived as migrant laborers at the end of the 19th century.
The United States Census Bureau estimates the population of Hawaii was 1,431,603 on July 1, 2015; an increase of 5.24% since the 2010 United States Census.  As of 2014, Hawaii had an estimated
population of 1,431,603; an increase of 12,042 from the previous year and an increase of 71,302 (5.24%) since 2010. This includes a natural increase of 48,111 (96,028 births minus 47,917 deaths) and an increase due to net migration of 16,956 people into the state. Immigration from outside the United States resulted in a net increase of 30,068; migration within the country produced a net loss of 13,112 people. The center of population of Hawaii is located between the two islands of O'ahu and Moloka'i. Large numbers of Native Hawaiians have moved to Las Vegas, which has been called the "ninth island" of Hawaii.
Hawaii has a de facto population of over 1.4 million, due in part to a large number of military personnel and tourist residents. O'ahu is the most populous island; it has the highest population density with a resident population of just under one million in 597 square miles (1,546 km2), about 1,650 people per square mile. Hawaii's 1.4 million residents, spread across 6,000 square miles (15,500 km2) of land, results in an average population density of 188.6 persons per square mile.[94] The state has a lower population density than Ohio and Illinois.
The average projected lifespan of people born in Hawaii in 2000 is 79.8 years; 77.1 years if male, 82.5 if female—longer than the average lifespan of any other U.S. state. As of 2011 the U.S. military reported it had 42,371 personnel on the islands.