Amazing world

joi, 2 iunie 2016

Romantic Destination Verona-Italy

Din punct de vedere al atractiilor turistice sta mai bine chiar si ca Milano . Verona este asociata cu Romeo si Julieta pentru ca aici a avut loc piesa lui Shakespeare. Italieni "au gasit" casa, balconul, mormantul si le-au transformat in locuri bune de vizitat.
  1. Casa Julietei cu balconul unde Julieta l-a ascultat pe Romeo declarandu-si dragostea. In Casa Julietei pot fi vazute patul ei, costume si un calculator de unde poti trimite mesaje de dragoste. In curtea casei se afla statuia in bronz a Julietei. Se spune ca daca ii atingi sanul drept iti aduce noroc.    

  2.   Arena, una dintre cele mai bine conservate din Italia, este un amfiteatru roman, faimos pentru spectacolele si concertele de opera, dar si alte genuri de muzica pe care le gazduieste. Mult mai impresionanta in interior decat Colosseumul din Roma, avea o capacitate de 30.000 de spectatori, fiind al treilea ca marime din Italia.
  3. Biserica San Zeno (sau San Zeno Maggiore) este faimoasa prin arhitectura, dar si datorita faptului ca aici s-au casatorit Romeo si Julieta. Gazduieste osemintele patronului spiritual al Veronei, San Zeno.
  4.  Anastasia, construita in stil gotic, este cea mai mare biserica si una dintre cele mai vechi din Verona. Cele doua vase cu aghiazma de la intrarea in biserica sunt sprijinite pe spatele a doi cocosati, unul dintre ei atribuit fiului lui Paolo Veronese, Gabriele Caliari.
  5. Torre dei Lamberti este un turn din care ai o vedere panoramica a orasului. A fost construit pentru a putea fi supravegheate imprejurimile si a anunta eventuale dezastre precum incendiile sau atacurile venetienilor. Datand din sec. XII, turnul a fost reparat dupa ce in sec. XIV a fost lovit de un fulger, iar in sec. XVIII i-a fost adaugat ceasul din varf. Este cel mai inalt turn din Verona, cu 84 de metri.
  6. Turnul se afla in Piazza delle Erbe, pe marginea careia sunt cafenele si terase unde poti sa mananci lasagna sau alte specialitati italiene, iar in centru sunt o multime de tarabe cu suveniruri, fructe sau legume, care inconjoara Fontana di Madonna Verona, cea mai veche si mai cunoscuta fantana din Verona.
  7. Teatrul Roman si Muzeul Arheologic. La fel ca Arena, Teatrul Roman gazduieste si astazi concerte. La Muzeul Arheologic pot fi văzute artefacte romane descoperite în jurul Veronei (mozaicuri, monede, sculpturi).
  8. Castelvecchio, construit in sec.XIV, cu un sistem de fortificatii si turnuri bine conservate, legat printr-un pod de oras care trece peste raul Adige si Museo di Castelvecchio, ce contine 29 de camere cu opere de arta (sculpturi, fresce, picturi, arme) din antichitate pana la anul 700 d.Cr. Castelul, construit de familia Scala, era menit sa apere familia conducatoare de eventuale revolte si de atacurile venetiene. In sec. XX o parte a castelului, sub indrumarea lui Carlo Scarpa, a fost amenajata in muzeu, care gazduieste opere de arta apartinand lui Bellini, Tiepolo sau Veronese, expozitii temporare.

miercuri, 1 iunie 2016

Bani pe net!

Intotdeauna te-ai intrebat cum sa faci bani pe net. Nu e deloc simplu in situatia in care vrei totul rapid si gratuit!
In primul rand iti trebuiesc cat mai multe retele de socializare pentru a gasi posibili clienti sau vizitatori. Aceste retele de socializare pot fi:
  1. Facebook -destul de eficient!
  2. Google+ - este si el destul de eficient pentru a face bani pe net!
  3. Linkedin - putin mai dificil de utilizat dar destul de bun.
  4. Instagram - face si el o treaba destul de importanta in castigarea de bani pe net!
In primul rand si cel mai important iti trebuie un cont pe Blog
unde sa faci articole cat mai eficiente si cat mai importante sa iti aduca un numar cat mai mare de vizitatori care la randul lor iti vor aduce intr-un final bani pe net!
Nu in ultimul rand dar cel mai important este faptul ca iti trebuie un cont Adsense pentru ca vizitatori sa iti poata aduca bani pe net.
Daca vrei sa castigi banii rapid nu e foarte usor. Exista 2 tipuri de vizitatori:
  • organic - cei ce iti viziteaza pagina dupa retelele de socializare apasand click din propria initiativa;
  • platiti - cei ce sunt "cumparati" pentru a-ti accesa pagina.
Nu e un lucru foarte simplu sa te apuci de  Blog in situatia in care nu stai bine cu rabdarea sau sa dispui de niste bani la inceput pentru a atrage cat mai multi vizitatori ai paginii.
In momentul in care vrei sa te implici intr-o astfel de "operatiune" gandestete de 2 ori, puneti un set de intrebari:
  • Cum stau cu rabdarea?
  • Dispun de ceva bani daca nu stapanesc bine rabdarea?
  • Am un card pe care sa adaug sumele de bani facuti pe net?
  • Detin o serie de informatii care ar putea fi atragatoare?
Daca raspunsurile la aceste intrebari sunt pozitive atunci esti pregatit sa incepi utilizarea Blogului pentru a face bani pe net. Iti doresc succes si la cat mai multi vizitatori ai profilului de blog.


Hawaii is the 50th and most recent state of the United States of America, receiving statehood on August 21, 1959. Hawaii is the only U.S. state located in Oceania and the only one composed entirely of islands. It is the northernmost island group in Polynesia, occupying most of an archipelago in the central Pacific Ocean. Hawaii is the only U.S. state not located in the Americas. The state does not observe daylight saving time.

The state encompasses nearly the entire volcanic Hawaiian archipelago, which comprises hundreds of islands spread over 1,500 miles (2,400 km). At the southeastern end of the archipelago, the eight main islands are—in order from northwest to southeast: Niʻihau, Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi, Kahoʻolawe, Maui and the Island of Hawaiʻi. The last is the largest island in the group; it is often called the "Big Island" or "Hawaiʻi Island" to avoid confusion with the state or archipelago. The archipelago is physiographically and ethnologically part of the Polynesian subregion of Oceania.

Hawaii's diverse natural scenery, warm tropical climate, abundance of public beaches, oceanic surroundings, and active volcanoes make it a popular destination for tourists, surfers, biologists, and volcanologists. Because of its central location in the Pacific and 19th-century labor migration, Hawaii's culture is strongly influenced by North American and Asian cultures, in addition to its indigenous Hawaiian culture. Hawaii has over a million permanent residents, along with many visitors and U.S. military personnel. Its capital is Honolulu on the island of Oʻahu.
Hawaii is the 8th-smallest and the 11th-least populous, but the 13th-most densely populated of the fifty U.S. states. It is the only state with an Asian plurality. The state's coastline is about 750 miles (1,210 km) long, the fourth longest in the U.S. after the coastlines of Alaska, Florida and California.

The state of Hawaii derives its name from the name of its largest island, Hawaiʻi. A common Hawaiian explanation of the name of Hawaiʻi is that was named for Hawaiʻiloa, a legendary figure from Hawaiian myth. He is said to have discovered the islands when they were first settled.
The Hawaiian language word Hawaiʻi is very similar to Proto-Polynesian *Sawaiki, with the reconstructed meaning "homeland". Cognates of Hawaiʻi are found in other Polynesian languages, including Māori (Hawaiki), Rarotongan (ʻAvaiki) and Samoan (Savaiʻi) . According to linguists Pukui and Elbert, "[e]lsewhere in Polynesia, Hawaiʻi or a cognate is the name of the underworld or of the ancestral home, but in Hawaii, the name has no meaning".
The Hawaiian islands were formed by volcanic activity initiated at an undersea magma source called the Hawaii hotspot. The process is continuing to build islands; the tectonic plate beneath much of the Pacific Ocean continually moves northwest and the hot spot remains stationary, slowly creating new volcanoes. Because of the hotspot's location, all currently active land volcanoes are located on the southern half of Hawaii Island. The newest volcano, Lōʻihi Seamount, is located south of the coast of Hawaii Island.
The last volcanic eruption outside Hawaii Island occurred at Haleakalā on Maui before the late 18th century, though it could have been hundreds of years earlier. In 1790, Kīlauea exploded; it was the deadliest eruption known to have occurred in the modern era in what is now the United States. Up to 5,405 warriors and their families marching on Kīlauea were killed by the eruption. Volcanic activity and subsequent erosion have created impressive geological features. Hawaii Island has the third-highest point among the world's islands.
On the flanks of the volcanoes, slope instability has generated damaging earthquakes and related tsunamis, particularly in 1868 and 1975. Steep cliffs have been created by catastrophic debris avalanches on the submerged flanks of ocean island volcanoes.

After the arrival of Europeans and Americans, the population of Hawaii fell dramatically until an influx of primarily Asian settlers arrived as migrant laborers at the end of the 19th century.
The United States Census Bureau estimates the population of Hawaii was 1,431,603 on July 1, 2015; an increase of 5.24% since the 2010 United States Census.  As of 2014, Hawaii had an estimated
population of 1,431,603; an increase of 12,042 from the previous year and an increase of 71,302 (5.24%) since 2010. This includes a natural increase of 48,111 (96,028 births minus 47,917 deaths) and an increase due to net migration of 16,956 people into the state. Immigration from outside the United States resulted in a net increase of 30,068; migration within the country produced a net loss of 13,112 people. The center of population of Hawaii is located between the two islands of O'ahu and Moloka'i. Large numbers of Native Hawaiians have moved to Las Vegas, which has been called the "ninth island" of Hawaii.
Hawaii has a de facto population of over 1.4 million, due in part to a large number of military personnel and tourist residents. O'ahu is the most populous island; it has the highest population density with a resident population of just under one million in 597 square miles (1,546 km2), about 1,650 people per square mile. Hawaii's 1.4 million residents, spread across 6,000 square miles (15,500 km2) of land, results in an average population density of 188.6 persons per square mile.[94] The state has a lower population density than Ohio and Illinois.
The average projected lifespan of people born in Hawaii in 2000 is 79.8 years; 77.1 years if male, 82.5 if female—longer than the average lifespan of any other U.S. state. As of 2011 the U.S. military reported it had 42,371 personnel on the islands.

duminică, 29 mai 2016


Ibiza is a rock island covering an area of 572.56 square kilometres (221.07 sq mi), almost six times smaller than Majorca, but over five times larger than Mykonos (in the Greek Isles) or 10 times larger than Manhattan in New York City.

Ibiza is the larger of a group of the western Balearic archipelago called the "Pityuses" or "Pine Islands" composed of itself and Formentera. The Balearic island chain includes over 50 islands, many of which are uninhabited. The highest point of the island is Sa Talaiassa, at 475 metres.

Ibiza is administratively part of the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands, whose capital is Palma, on the island of Majorca. Ibiza comprises 5 of the community's 67 municipalities.

Demographically, Ibiza displays a very peculiar configuration, as census agencies diverge on exact figures. According to the 2001 national census, Ibiza had 88,076 inhabitants (against 76,000 in 1991, 64,000 in 1981, 45,000 in 1971, and 38,000 in 1961). However, two years later, this figure jumped to 108,000 (Govern de les Illes Balears - IBAE 2004), and by the start of 2010 had reached 132,637. This rapid growth stems from the amnesty which incorporated a number of unregistered foreign migrants. In terms of origin, about 55 percent of island residents were born in Ibiza, 35 percent are domestic migrants from mainland Spain (mostly working-class families from Andalusia, and the remainder from Catalonia, Valencia and Castile), and the remaining 10 to 15 percent are foreign, dual and multi-national citizens of the EU and abroad (Govern de les Illes Balears - IBAE 1996). In decreasing order, the most commonly visiting foreigners are German, British, Latin American, French, Italian and Dutch, in addition to a myriad of other nationalities. This mosaic reflects the fluidity of foreigners living and moving across the island, in ways that render impossible to exactly quantify the expatriate population (Rozenberg 1990).

Eivissenc is the native dialect of Catalan that is spoken on Ibiza and nearby Formentera. Catalan shares co-official status with Spanish. Additionally, because of the influence of tourism and expatriates living in or maintaining residences on the island, other languages like German, English and Italian, are widely spoken. Polylinguality is the norm, not the exception.
Ibiza is considered to be a popular tourist destination, especially due to its legendary and at times riotous nightclub based nightlife centred on two areas: Ibiza Town, the island's capital on the southern shore and Sant Antoni to the West. Well-known nightclubs are Privilege, Amnesia, Space, Pacha, Es Paradís and DC10. During the summer, the top producers and DJs in dance come to the island and play at the various clubs, in between touring to other international destinations. Some of the most famous DJs run their own weekly nights around the island. Many of these DJs use Ibiza as an outlet for presenting new songs within the house, trance and techno genres of electronic dance music. The city has achieved renowned worldwide fame as a cultural center for house and trance in particular, with its name often being used as a partial metonym for the particular flavor of electronic music originating there, much like Goa in India.
Since 2005, the live music event Ibiza Rocks has helped to redefine the Ibiza party landscape. Bands such as Arctic Monkeys, Kasabian, The Prodigy, and the Kaiser Chiefs have played in the courtyard of the Ibiza Rocks Hotel.
The season traditionally begins at the start of June with Space and DC10's opening parties and finishes on the first weekend of October with the Closing Parties. A typical schedule for clubbers going to Ibiza includes waking at noon, early evening naps, late night clubbing, and "disco sunrises." Due to Ibiza's notable tolerance toward misbehaviour from young adult tourists, it has acquired the sobriquet "Gomorrah of the Med." Also well-known is Café del Mar, a long-standing bar where many tourists traditionally view the sunset made famous by José Padilla, who has released more than a dozen eponymous album compilations of ambient music played at the location. That and other bars nearby have become an increasingly popular venue for club pre-parties after sunset, hosting popular DJ performers.
The island's government is trying to encourage a more cultured and quieter tourism scene, passing rules including the closing of all nightclubs by 6 a.m. at the latest, and requiring all new hotels to be 5-star. The administration wants to attract a more international mixture of tourists.
Ibiza is served by Ibiza Airport, which has many international flights during the summer tourist season, especially from the European Union.
There are also ferries from the harbour of Sant Antoni and Ibiza Town to Barcelona, Majorca, Dénia, and Valencia. There are also ferries to Formentera leaving Sant Antoni Harbour (normally every Wednesday), and daily from Ibiza Town, Santa Eulària, and Figueretes–Platja d'en Bossa.
Several public busses also travel between Sant Antoni and Ibiza Town—every 15 minutes in summer and every half-hour in winter. In addition, there are buses from Sant Antoni to Cala Bassa, Cala Conta and Cala Tarida, and to the Airport. From Ibiza there are buses to the Platja d'en Bossa, Ses Salines, the Airport, and Santa Eulària.

                                                                                                                    Private Bay
Sunset San Antonio
                           Cala D`Hort
             Clear Water
Platja d`en Bossa

The Mykines Island

Mykines is the westernmost of the 18 main islands of the Faroe Islands.
It lies west of 7.5 degrees W, effectively putting it in the UTC-1 region.However, Mykines uses Greenwich Mean Time like the rest of the Faroes. The only settlement on the island is also called Mykines.

On the northern side of the island is the valley Korkadalur, where there are great columns of basalt, called the Stone-wood. To the west of Mykines is the 1 km long islet Mykineshólmur, with several sea stacks clustered at its western end, where a lighthouse was built in 1909. A 40 m long footbridge connects its eastern end with Mykines.

Large numbers of puffins and gannets inhabit Mykines and Mykineshólmur. On the rocks at the waters edge there are colonies of cormorants while the eroded tuff layers in the cliffs make perfect nesting ledges for guillemots and razorbills. On the grassy slopes above the bird cliffs, thousands of puffins have their burrows, and their guano fertilizes the slopes.
Mykines, including Mykineshólmur, has been identified as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International because of its significance as a breeding site for seabirds, especially northern fulmars (50,000 pairs), Manx shearwaters (2500 pairs), European storm petrels (50,000 pairs), northern gannets (200 pairs), European shags (250 pairs), black-legged kittiwakes (23,000 Pairs), Atlantic puffins (125,000 pairs), common guillemots (9500 individuals) and black guillemots (200 pairs).

The population of the island declined over the 20th century, with 11 permanent residents of Mykines village in 2004; the oldest inhabitant was 75 and the youngest six years old. Although there are 40 houses in the village, only six are inhabited year-round. Earlier Mykines was one of the largest villages in the Faroes, with a population of 170 people in 1940. From 1911 to 2004 Mykines was a separate community but in 2005 it merged administratively with Sørvagur kommune. Famous people from Mykines include painter Sámal Joensen-Mikines (1906–1979).

sâmbătă, 28 mai 2016

Insulele Cayman

Insulele Cayman au fost descoperite de catre Cristóbal Colón .
In timpul celei de a 4 a calatorie spre America, mai exact pe data de 10 mai 1503. In 1586 piratul Francis Drake ,   fiind primul englez ce poposeste pe insule si tot el a fost cel care le-a botezat Insulele Cayman.

Una dintre cele mai frumoase si interesante atractii turistice Seven Mile Beach , unde gasim o multime de hoteluri si centre turistice. Vizitatorii sunt atrasi de locuri istorice precum Castelul St. Jaimes situat in Boddentown. Mai exista si Insulele Surori , Micul Caiman   precum si Caiman Brac .

Este foarte usor de ajuns aici pentru ca avem 3 aeroporturi, cate unul in fiecare insula:

  1. Marele Cayman - avand in George Town (capitala Insulelor Cayman ) Aeropuerto Internacional Owen Roberts
  2. Cayman Brac - avand Gerrard  Smith International Airport
  3. Micul Cayman - avand in folosinta Edward Bodden Aerodrom
 Insulele surori
 Insula Cayman Brac
Micul Cayman

sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2016

Pestera Reed Flute (China)

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Pestera Reed Flute 

Situata la 5 km de Guilin ( China )

Pestera Reed Flute creeaza unul din sutele de peisaje uimitoare ce se gasesc pe teritoriul Chinei. Fiind cunoscuta si sub numele de " Palatul Artelor Naturale " , nume ce il merita pe deplin, formatiunile ce se gasesc aici sunt adevarate opere de arta formate de natura. Peisajul creat de Pestera Reed Flute fiind unul dintre cele mai renumite.

   Pestera Reed Flute fiin considerata o minune a lumii subterane!
Este renuminta pentru formatiunile carstice in diverse forme ciudate, fiind una din cele mai impresionante pesteri din Guilin.
Numele pesterii Reed Flute ( Lu Di Yan ), provine de la stuful ce creste in afara acesteia si care in trecut era utilizat de catre localnici pentru a crea flaute.

   Cu o lungime de 240 m, Pestera Reed Flute cu multitudinea de stalagmite, stalactite, draperii si piloni de piatra cat si alte formatiuni cu forme unice, seamana cu un taram fermecat si magic.
Pestera fiind luminata artificial cu numeroase luminite colorate, care fac sa se reflete in lacurile subterane straniile structuri ale acestei lumi.

   Aceasta poate fi vizitata tot timpul anului intre orele 08:30 - 17:30 . Desi este pavata, mai exista locuri care sunt ude si pline de noroi, drept pentru care este nevoie de incaltaminte adecvata.

Conform cercetarilor geologice, Pestera Reed Flute s-a format in urma cu 600.000 de ani. Initial fiind un lac subteran, insa inaltarea muntilor a dus la scaderea nivelului de apa. Rocile trecand printr-un proces lung de dizolvare, cristalizare si acumulare.

In cadrul pesterii se gasesc 70 de inscriptii cu cerneala, o marturie a faptului ca pestera este cunoscuta inca din timpul dinastiei Tang.
Datorita intrarii acoperite de stuf, a fost o ascunzatoare perfecta in vreme de razboi pentru localnici. Fiind deschisa publicului in anul 1962 ! 

  Dea lungul anilor cele mai multe zone si formatiuni au primit numele de :
  • Palatul de Cristal
  • Cortina Rosie
  • Dealul Ciupercilor
  • Pagoda Dragonului.      

vineri, 22 aprilie 2016

Ghid de folosire a siliconatelor!

O tanara din Brasov la randul ei siliconata, ne da niste sfaturi uluitoare despre cum poti folosi o siliconata fara sa o "strici"


O tanara domnisoara din Brasov ne spune pe facebook cum pot fi "folosite" femeile tunate.

Aceasta a postat pe pagina ei de socializare un mod in care barbatii trebuie sa se comporte in astfel de situatii:
    "Suntem in 2016. Femeile se tuneaza din ce in ce mai mult iar operatiile sunt la ordinea zilei.
Barbatii ar trebui sa invete:
   Sa numai muste de buze si de sfarcuri( in cazul buzelor cu acid H si al silicoanelor).
   Atunci cand ne atingeti silicoanele, nu mai trageti in sus de ele de parca ati vrea sa ni le urcati pe umeri (majoritatea aven taietura sub san iar atunci cand le ridicati, intindeti taietura si doare rau) si nu mai strangeti foarte tare (ca ideea e sa ne excitati nu sa framantati aluat).
  Nu ne mai trageti de par asa de tare (Ramaneti cu extensii in mana).
   Nu ne udati pe fata (ne cad genele).
   Incetati cu atacurile de panica atunci cand va aratam ca ni s-a dezlipit sau cazut o unghie. Nu sunt unghiile noastre. De ce va e frica de un plastic rupt? In concluzie : daca va plac pitipoancele macar invatati sa le utilizati :))))) Aaa si sper ca le-am scapat pe multe de dureri prin postarea mea. :))) "

Acesta este sfatul tinerei care este urmarita de 21.516 persoane!  

Marea Stelelor, Insula Vaadhoo (Maldive)

Marea de stele sau Marea stelelor, apartine Insulelor Maldive.

Situata in Oceanul Indian.


In Insulele Maldive are loc un fenomen uimitor ce poarte numele de " Mare de Stele".
Daca aveti ocazia sa mergeti in acest loc pe timp de noapte o sa aveti parte de un moment spectaculos in care nisipul straluceste.

Acest fenomen spectaculos apare atunci cand temperaturile sunt foarte ridicate si noaptea foarte intunecata.
"Stelutele" pot aluneca pe sub picioarele oamenilor de-a lungul malului apei, facand ca acest fenomen sa fie un spectacol de lumina fascinant.

Lumina biologica dand impresia unor spoturi luminoase aflate la malul marii, acestea par ca reflecta stelele. Luminitele biologice fiind produse de microbii marini numiti fitoplancton. Mai multe specii de fitoplanctoni sunt cunoscute pentru luminitele bio, iar luminitele pot fi vazute in oceanele din intreaga lume.

Motivul pentru care plajele sunt iluminate.
Exista o varietate de teorii pentru care plajele sunt iluminate, incepand cu mineralele din nisip pana la oameni, raspunsul se poate cunoaste doar cunoscand diferitele tipuri de pamantur,dar in special pamanturile marine.
In aceasta fotografie se poate vede reactia chimica naturala numita bioluminiscenta. Care are loc doar atunci cand un microorganism este perturbat in apa din cauza miscarilor valurilor.

Mijloacele de transport sunt:
  • Dhoni -barca tipica din Maldive care este folosita ca mijloc de transport, in special de hotelele situate in Malé sau insulele apropiate. Transportul de obicei este gratuit sau foarte redus.
  • Barca rapida- se gaseste in resorturile apropiate de Malé.
  • Hidroavion- folosit de hotelele situate pe insule. Transportul este foarte lung si cu foarte multe turbulente.        

Santinelele Arcticului (Finlanda)

Santinelele Arcticului din Finlanda este unu dintre cele mai frumoase din lume.

Peisajele sunt folosite ca motiv principal pentru poze si vederi in regiunea Finesa numita si Laponia.

Pe timpul iernii un fenomen extraordinar are loc, pomii sunt acoperiti de gheata si zapada in asa fel in care adopta forme incapatanate si gigante care ingrijesc nordul tarii.
 In aceasta zona temperaturile ajung pana la -40ºC , motiv pentru care totul se "imbraca" intr-un alb infinit si imaculat.

Cu toate acestea pomii nu mor ci din contra asteapta vara ca sa se inverzeasca din nou. In zori totul se limiteaza la contrastele cerului in nuante albastrui si roz , din acestea se reproduce un spectacol fascinant numit Centura lui Venus, se numeste asa pentru ca atunci cand Venus straluceste poate fi vazut cu claritate.

Desi clima din Laponia Finesa este foarte extrema, cei drept sub stratul de gheata pot trai atat pesti cat si mamifere marine.  
La sosirea primaverii incalzirea sparge gheata si o topeste iar Sentinelele din Arctic revin la arborii simpli si verzi. 

joi, 21 aprilie 2016

Muntii Tianzi din China!

Unul dintre cele frumoase locuri apartine Chinei!

Acestia se afla in zona Hunan,intr-o rezervatie naturala numita Zhangjiajie.


Acestia s-au format acum 300 milioane de ani,  fiind o zona in totalitate verde destul de incetosat, plin de padurici si poduri naturale.
Aici gasim si un templu cat si o manastire pentru a te retrage si pentru a gasi pacea sufleteasca.

Aici ploile sunt foarte abundente care hranesc splendida vegetatie montana si o mentin verde si stralucitoare, asa cum roua acopera varfurile muntilor, facand  ca locul sa fie inconjurat de o imagine placuta dar in acelasi timp infricosatoare!

Cu siguranta aceasta zona a fost modelul dupa care au fost create scenariile filmului Avatar, de James Cameron.
Muntele strabate 67 km patrati si poseda varful de 1262 metri altitudine.

Pentru cei care vor sa calatoreasca in acest loc, unul dintre cele mai impresionante momente fiind cand se ia funicularul (franghia) care strabate aproape 1 km in coborare!

De aici se poate vedea pe distanta coborarii se pot vedea casele anumitor etnii ale regiunii cat si muntele in sine,traversat de numeroase rauri si cascade cu apa foarte cristalina.

Fara indoiala este o calatorie cu o experienta unica in Muntii Tianzi, varfuri ce se ridica "pana la cer" care ne fac sa ne simtim intr-o alta lume, incantatoare si a descoperi ca lumea este la fel de incantatoare precum in filme!